Real.ID is the new generation 125KHz proximity credential family!
Real.ID presents highest printing quality with best performance!
Real.ID proximity card means Super-flat & Ultra-thin finishes!
All Real.ID credentials are available in both Ready to Encode or custom encoded of industry-standard 26-Bit Wiegand format.
Custom card formatting is also available for adding credentials to existing systems.
Unencoded blank credentials are available by working with cloud-based encoder platform or any other proximity encoders for on-demand production.

Multi-Format Credential
None-encoded blank credentials, support any proximity encoders
Custom card format encoding as required to work with existed systems
Default or custom encoded as mainstream proximity 26bits H10301 Credentials
Multi Business Modes
OEM Manufacturing for ISO card & Pre-laminates
Encoding Service on demand
Encoding System for Encoder + Cloud based Software
Multi Product Forms